Doh! The Biggest Job Interview Mistakes

by | May 19, 2012 | Personal Development

Job InterviewThe job interview is one of the most important parts of applying for a job and the first impression that you make in this interaction is mostly what the employer will be basing their decision on.

That is why it is very important that you present yourself professionally in your job interview so that you can really impress the employer.

However, there are a few major mistakes that many people make in job interviews that can really damage their chances of getting hired.

If you have ever not been called back after a job interview you might want to ask yourself if you have committed any of these blunders and how you can avoid them in the future:

Not Preparing Properly

Keep in mind that the interviewer will likely ask you a question along the lines of “what do you know about this company?”

If you stutter and stumble through your answer because you have not done any research, they will assume that you are not really dedicated to the position.

Before you go to your interview, go to the company website and read their “About Us” section to that you have something to say in response to this question.

Not Dressing Professionally

First impressions really make a difference and if you enter the job interview dressed like a slob the interviewer will immediately make a judgment about you.

They will think that if you cannot make the effort to iron your shirt and wear clean shoes then you will not put the effort into the job either. Make sure that you go the extra mile to look polished before your interview.

Answering Your Cell Phone

This is a huge no-no during an interview, because it tells the employer that your cell phone is more important than what they have to say to you.

Cell phones don’t belong at an interview, so make sure it is switched off completely so that you won’t be tempted to answer.  In fact, just leave it in your car so you aren’t embarrassed by the phone ringing in the interview!

Badmouthing Your Last Boss

Ok, perhaps your last supervisor was an arrogant jerk but there is no need to go into detail about this in the job interview.

It will unfortunately only make you look bad and make them think that you might badmouth them as well.

If you are asked about your previous job remember to be as diplomatic as humanly possible.

Avoid these mistakes and you will increase your chances of success at your next job interview.

Happy job hunting!

