
Mortgage Relief Refinance Programs For 2020

There are lots of people out there who are searching for options for mortgage relief. A quick search will reveal options for programs such as FMERR and HARP; however, many of the articles regarding these programs are a bit outdated. This makes them misleading....

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Home Improvement Projects For The Quarantined

If you have paid attention to the news recently, you have probably heard about the coronavirus pandemic which also goes by the name COVID-19. Those who are exposed to the virus might be asked to place themselves in quarantine. Some states have even told their...

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Building An Emergency Fund During An Emergency

By now, it should be apparent that this COVID-19 (Corona-virus) pandemic is going to be here for several months. It is already causing the market to plummet and is disrupting jobs all over the country. Many people who work as hourly employees (or are independent...

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A Checklist To Help You Get COVID-19 Ready

During these uncertain times, it is important for everyone to take measures to protect themselves and their loved ones as much as possible. Fortunately, there are a few concrete steps that everyone can follow to make sure they stay ready during this pandemic. It is...

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COVID-19 Relief Programs For Homeowners

Federal housing agencies and government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are responding to the COVID-19 outbreak with multiple relief programs for homeowners experiencing hardship due to illness and job loss. 60-Days Forbearance on Home Mortgages Owned...

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